Flow Diverters

Directional spool valves, up to 80 l/min and 320 bar

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Flow Diverters

Directional spool valves, up to 80 l/min and 320 bar

ValveTypeSizeMax flow
Max pressure
No. of elementsSupply voltage
CDL046Directional spool valve, direct operated, from 6/2 up to 12/2 way/positionsNG0420250from 1 to 4VDC: 12, 14, 24, 48, 110
VAC: 115, 120, 230, 240 with rectifier
CDL066Directional spool valve, direct operated, from 6/2 up to 14/2 way/positionsNG0650250from 1 to 5VDC: 12, 24
CDL106Directional spool valve, direct operated, from 6/2 up to 14/2 way/positionsNG1080250from 1 to 5VDC: 12, 24, 48, 110
VAC: 115, 120, 230, 240 with rectifier
ADL066Directional spool valve, direct operated, 6/2 way/positionsNG0640320 (ext drain); 250 (int. drain)-VDC: 12, 24, 28, 48, 110
VAC: 115, 120, 230, 240 with rectifier
BDL066Directional spool valve, direct operated, 6/2 way/positionsNG0650250-VDC: 12, 24, 48
ADL106Directional spool valve, direct operated, 6/2 way/positionsNG1080250-VDC: 12, 24, 48, 110
VAC: 115, 120, 230, 240 with rectifier

2 way cartridge valves ISO 7368 (Logic Element)

Cartridge valves according to ISO 7368 are used for: direct control, check, piloted operated check, pressure control, flow regulation, up to 350 l/min and 350 bar

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2 way cartridge valves ISO 7368 (Logic Element)

Cartridge valves according to ISO 7368 are used for: direct control, check, piloted operated check, pressure control, flow regulation, up to 350 l/min and 350 bar

CoverDescriptionSizeNominal flow rate
Inlet flow
Max pressure
KEC.16.RICheck valve coverNG16150-350
KEC.25.RICheck valve coverNG25350600350
KEC.16.CQCover with stroke adjustmentNG16150-350
KEC.25.CQCover with stroke adjustmentNG25350600350
KEC.16.RCCover with interface CETOP 3 / NG6NG16150-350
KEC.25.RCCover with interface CETOP 3 / NG6NG25350600350
KEC.16.PCCover with hydraulic outlet pilot valveNG16150-350
KEC.25.PCCover with hydraulic outlet pilot valveNG25350600350
KEC.16.SHCover with built-in exchange valveNG16150-350
KEC.25.SHCover with built-in exchange valveNG25350600350
KEC.16.SPCover with built-in exchange valve snd interface CETOP 3 / NG6NG16150-350
KEC.25.SPCover with built-in exchange valve and interface CETOP 3 / NG6NG25350600350
Max flow
Inlet flow
Max pressure
Setting range
KEC.16.MP/UN/SLWith Max. Pressure Valve/Exclusion/Sequencing-in Line MountingNG16150-40015 - 400
KEC.25.MP/UN/SLWith Max. Pressure Valve/Exclusion/Sequencing-in Line MountingNG2535060040015 - 400
KEC.16.ME/UEWith Max. Pressure Valve/Exclusion With Interface CETOP 3- In Line MountingNG16150-40015 - 400
KEC.25.ME/UEWith Max. Pressure Valve/Exclusion With Interface CETOP 3- In Line MountingNG2535060040015 - 400
C*P.16With Max. Pressure Valve/Exclusion/Sequencing- Plate MountingNG16150-400-
C*P.25With Max. Pressure Valve/Exclusion/Sequencing- Plate MountingNG25350600400-
C*P.E.16With Max. Pressure Valve/Exclusion With Interface CETOP 3- Plate MountingNG16150-400-
C*P.E.25With Max. Pressure Valve/Exclusion With Interface CETOP 3- Plate MountingNG25350600400-
KRA.16/25Cartridge Valves With Electrical Position Control NG16/NG25
KRA.16/25... + AD.3.V...2/2Cartridge Valves With Electrical Position Control Valve